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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



Europe : The best and the worst

The controversy about the presence of the European flag above the Unknown Soldier tomb under the Triumph Arch is revealing of the limits of the French people adhesion to Europe. What has hurt was the disappearance of the French flag in an emblematic place of their history. Europe, yes, but definitely not if that makes France disappearing. These good sense considerations have been forgotten by these who have taken that decision. That has lead to the opposite effect from the sought-after objective and has provoked an opinion rejection instead of a celebration of the moment when the country was taking ...

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The French economy results

The end of the year and the coming of the presidential election constitute the right time to analyze the achievements of the French economy. How did it overcome the difficulties caused by the sanitary crisis? Did it accomplish the progresses to remedy to the weaknesses noted in the past?  For the political forces, if they are in charge of the power or if they belong to opposition, everything is white or everything is black. The reality is different. In some areas, success is difficult to contest, in others it is more than doubtful and they are some where the failure ...

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The Central Banks and iinflation

Last week, the central Banks of the United States, the United Kingdom and the euro zone had each one a meeting in a context affected by the uncertainties about the evolution of the covid-19 pandemic, about the durability of the economic rebound in the concerned countries and about the character of the inflation which affects them in order to define and to make public the guidelines of their monetary policy for the year to come. Through the definition of a guideline, these institutions which have become essential actors of the economic policy intend to avoid the disorders which could occur ...

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