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Alain Boublil Blog

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Inflation : the new challenges

The publication by INSEE of the inflation in France in September has surprised. Prices have fallen by 1,2% from August (0.6% after correction of seasonal bias) and year-on-year they have only increased by 1.1%. United Kingdom also had a reduction year-on-year (1.7%) as the eurozone (1.7%). The prices increase in the United States remained a little under 2% when in China, to the opposite, it fell back year-on-year to 0.4%. In Europe, everything happened as if after the sharp increases in 2022 and 2023 with a 10% peak, an equivalent level was recovered to ...

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Where is China going ?

In September, the political Bureau of the Chinese Communist party had a meeting and has made known that new measures to support economic activity were going to be announced without entering into the details. The objective of a 5% growth rate seemed to be difficult to be reached and it is that which has attracted the attention of the commentators. Yet, the fact that the Chinese GDP growth was 4.9%, as it emerges from the 1st half figures, or 5% has no importance. The accurateness of the statistics does not allow to giving attention to such small spreads. It ...

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Deficits and public debt : the French disease

After near two months of uncertainties, the new French government will have to elaborate an economic policy able to answer to the difficulties with which the country is confronted: low growth, persisting unemployment, trade deficit and heavy public indebtedness. The alarming messages dedicated to make accepted by public opinion unavoidable unpopular measures are contrasting with the self-satisfaction talks of the previous government. The results of the last two elections have shown that the message had not convinced. The government so will have to identify the causes of this situation and to propose appropriated remedies.

The trade deficit is growing for ...

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The electric vehicle : a good idea ?

The approach of the maturities fixed by the European Commission begins to start to become aware about the challenges and the risks to which a strategic industrial sector is confronted with. It would be the time. In 2035, the sale of cars with a thermal engine will be forbidden. From 2025, the carmakers which will not reach a determined level of sales of private electric vehicles will be hurt by penalties which could reach several billion each year. These arrangements have as an objective to reduce the CO2 emissions of the States-members. They have been adopted by the European Parliament ...

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Le nouvel Etat-stratège

LE NOUVEL ETAT STRATEGELe dernier livre d'Alain Boublil, le nouvel Etat-statège (Editions de l'Archipel) est paru le 5 février 2014.

Le livre apporte les réponses de son auteur  à la question qui est, en France, au centre de tous les débats politiques: "Que peut-on attendre de l'Etat aujourd'hui ? " Et il formule plusieurs suggestions sur l'exercice du pouvoir tirées de son expérience passée auprès de François Mitterrand. Observateur de l'économie mondiale comme conseil des nombreuses grandes entreprises qui ont fait appel à lui, il trace un portrait de la France d'aujourd'hui bien moins pessimiste que ce que l'on entend parfois, à condition que chacun fasse preuve de lucidité sur ses propres comportements. 

Les exigences ont certes été exacerbées par la crise. Mais y faire face est de plus en plus difficile car l'écart s'est creusé entre les attentes de chacun et la réduction des marges de manoeuvres publiques du fait des règles internationales, de l'endettement et des contraintes environnementales.

En dix chapitres, Alain Boublil dresse un bilan sans complaisances, prend la mesure des possibilités et des limites de l'Etat et il ouvre des voies nouvelles pour l'action publique. Il évoque le sauvetage de l'euro, le fardeau de la dette et le ras-le-bol fiscal, l'Etat-patron de Colbert à Jean-Marie Messier, le retour du complexe vis-à-vis de l'Allemagne et les nouveaux outils de l'Etat-stratège dans la mondialisation face aux défis industriels, aux enjeux de la transition énergétique, à la "dictature du CO2" et à la révolution du gaz de schiste. Et il met en garde contre les dérives de l'Etat-spectacle, qui gènent l'efficacité de l'action publique et les facilités de l'Etat-guichet qui débouchent sur le clientélisme.


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