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Alain Boublil Blog

Les dernières publications

0.9% : French economy inflation year-on-year

INSEE has given its first estimate of inflation for the month of February. Over one year, prices increased by 0.8% and by 0.9% in harmonized European data. We have to go back to 2019 to find such a low level. The continued rise in the prices of services (+2.1%) was offset by the stability of the prices of food products (except fresh products with +1.8%), manufactured products and the fall in energy prices (-5.7%). The industrial and agricultural sectors seem to have priced in the consequences on their production costs of supply chain disruptions caused ...

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The electrification of the world

The International Energy Agency has just published its report on the consumption and production of electricity in the world. Growth was 4.2% and an average growth of 4% is forecast for the years 2025 to 2027. In three years, world production will increase by 3500 TWh. To assess the extent of this increase, it is sufficient to recall that France's annual production in recent years has averaged about 500 TWh per year. This growth is higher than the growth of the world economy, despite the efforts made in many countries to moderate their energy consumption. The world has ...

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The ecologist bill

The consequences of climate change are more visible every day, even if their media coverage accentuates the perception of the phenomenon. This is not new. At the beginning of the twentieth century, on the contrary, there were fears of a cooling that would make the Earth, like the Moon, a dead planet. This fear inspires novelists. Jules Verne proposes a Journey to the Center of the Earth and Ray Bradbury, in his Martian Chronicles, imagines that Earthlings will have to emigrate to Mars to survive. Soon after, there were concerns about the presence of unidentified flying objects in the sky ...

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The cost of labor

For more than ten years, France's economic policy has been focused on restoring the competitiveness of companies and on reindustrialisation. If growth is to be achieved sufficiently to reduce unemployment significantly and sustainably, both objectives must be achieved. But the results so far have not been in line with expectations. Growth has never exceeded 2% for two years in a row, unemployment has been slowly reduced but has just started to rise again and France's unemployment rate remains one of the highest of the major developed economies. Finally, the external deficit in goods excluding energy is still high ...

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Le nouvel Etat-stratège

LE NOUVEL ETAT STRATEGELe dernier livre d'Alain Boublil, le nouvel Etat-statège (Editions de l'Archipel) est paru le 5 février 2014.

Le livre apporte les réponses de son auteur  à la question qui est, en France, au centre de tous les débats politiques: "Que peut-on attendre de l'Etat aujourd'hui ? " Et il formule plusieurs suggestions sur l'exercice du pouvoir tirées de son expérience passée auprès de François Mitterrand. Observateur de l'économie mondiale comme conseil des nombreuses grandes entreprises qui ont fait appel à lui, il trace un portrait de la France d'aujourd'hui bien moins pessimiste que ce que l'on entend parfois, à condition que chacun fasse preuve de lucidité sur ses propres comportements. 

Les exigences ont certes été exacerbées par la crise. Mais y faire face est de plus en plus difficile car l'écart s'est creusé entre les attentes de chacun et la réduction des marges de manoeuvres publiques du fait des règles internationales, de l'endettement et des contraintes environnementales.

En dix chapitres, Alain Boublil dresse un bilan sans complaisances, prend la mesure des possibilités et des limites de l'Etat et il ouvre des voies nouvelles pour l'action publique. Il évoque le sauvetage de l'euro, le fardeau de la dette et le ras-le-bol fiscal, l'Etat-patron de Colbert à Jean-Marie Messier, le retour du complexe vis-à-vis de l'Allemagne et les nouveaux outils de l'Etat-stratège dans la mondialisation face aux défis industriels, aux enjeux de la transition énergétique, à la "dictature du CO2" et à la révolution du gaz de schiste. Et il met en garde contre les dérives de l'Etat-spectacle, qui gènent l'efficacité de l'action publique et les facilités de l'Etat-guichet qui débouchent sur le clientélisme.


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