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Alain Boublil Blog



Germany, France and the European projects

Germany has just constituted its new government at a time when France, which inherits the European Union presidency, is going to enter into its electoral campaign. During that, the sanitary crisis doesn’t know any rest but the economy is giving rebound signs much more significant, notably in France, than it was expected and dreaded a year ago. There are, without any doubts, the supporting measures decided to cope with the consequences of the pandemic which have been adopted at the European level and in every country, which are at the origin of these results. The coordination of the decisions ...

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The negative interest rates comeback in France

In France, for the first time this year, if we except a short period during Summer, the 10 years State Bond went back on December 3rd into negative territory : -0.03%. So, against the forecasts stated many times by the economists and despite the spectacular increase of the public indebtedness since the beginning of the sanitary crisis, France financing conditions remain extremely favorable. But it is not an exception in Europe. Germany keeps its 30 to 40 basis points spread with Paris and has issued these last days 10 years bonds carrying a -0.39% rate. In the Unites ...

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France and the unemployment

The publication of the last figures has given the opportunity for making reassuring comments. Unemployment rate as the jobseekers number at the end of October came back to the level observed at the eve of the economic crisis provoked by the Cocid-19 pandemic. These results constitute without any doubt good news because the worst was expected and forecast carrying hundreds of thousands of bankruptcies and job losses had been put forward. Adopted and put into practice policies to cope with the economic crisis have been efficient. The providing of State-guaranteed financing has allowed enterprises which had been weakened to surviving ...

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