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Alain Boublil Blog



The electric vehicle : a good idea ?

The approach of the maturities fixed by the European Commission begins to start to become aware about the challenges and the risks to which a strategic industrial sector is confronted with. It would be the time. In 2035, the sale of cars with a thermal engine will be forbidden. From 2025, the carmakers which will not reach a determined level of sales of private electric vehicles will be hurt by penalties which could reach several billion each year. These arrangements have as an objective to reduce the CO2 emissions of the States-members. They have been adopted by the European Parliament ...

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The European discontent

At a moment when France chooses as a Prime minister a former European Commissioner, the discontent against Brussels has never been so strong on the continent. It already occurred after the referendum in the United Kingdom the Brexit. The country is today paying the heavy consequences and the Labor new government tries to reopen discussions, if not to come back into the Union, at least to erase the most negative effects of this divorce. But the lesson has not been heard and in many countries the political formations openly criticizing the action of the European institutions have realized scores which ...

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The housing crisis is worsening in France

When we mention the building sector, we immediately think about China which is going through a serious crisis which could have heavy financial consequences and affect growth. In France it is quite also worrying but with a different nature. Its effects on families contribute to the deep discontent which has leaded to elections results giving to extremist parties a place they had never reached in the past. Yet, in the public debate and inside party different proposals, housing only occupies a secondary position because the political class seems not to have perceived the extent of the problem and its economic ...

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