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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



The French job Act : the mistakes

Rarely an Act will have been the theater, even before being formalized, of so many theoretical controversies and passionate reactions. Two groups of economists have confronted their point of view in the press, each one putting on the front line the prestige of one of their contributors, a Nobel Prize, Jean Tirole, who supports the government project, and the author of a best-seller, Thomas Piketty, who is hostile to it.

For the first group, employee protections are considered as excessive. They are counterproductive and directly at the origin of unemployment. Modernity is not anymore going along with social progress. For ...

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So, where has gone the crisis ?

The first quarter of 2016 is finishing in a much better situation than it has started. Invalidating, once more, analysis and forecasts of most of economists, the world has not been hurt by the failure of a major country, having consequences outside of its borders. There were no recessions among large developed economies and growth went on, only at a slower rhythm than it would be necessary to reduce disequilibrium caused by the 2007-2008 crisis, unemployment for some of them, excessive indebtedness for the others.

Chinese economy is following its path. Shanghai Stock Exchange is regaining, day after day, the ...

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3,45 billions € : French electricity exports in 2015

This figure, which has just been published by the Ministry of Durable Development, has been completely unnoticed. Comments have been focused on EDF C.F.O. resignation and the risks associated with the building of two nuclear power plants in Hinkley Point, England. These two issues are much more connected than it is usually thought. But, don’t tell it !

Our power exports have increased by 10% in 2015 and if we deduct imports, the surplus reach 2,3 billions euros, 7,1% more than in 2014. This is one of the highest contributions to France trade balance, more or ...

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