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Alain Boublil Blog



Is France doing better ?

Comments by the French President definitely don’t correspond to the feeling of French people, according to poll opinions. Skepticism after his TV interview and growing discontent are reflected by very unfavorable vote intentions for the left, in the prospect of the 2017 election. Definitely, poll opinions are frequently wrong a year before the term but the magnitude of the rejection is, this time, without precedent.

So, how France is doing? Last week results show that the quasi stagnation we endure since 2012 has been replaced by a shy rebound. And it is not strong enough to produce a significant ...

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Brazil : the two crisis

International media made large reports about the political crisis which shakes Brazil and which goes through developments for, now, six months. Next Sunday, a first vote by deputies will, probably, initiate the process which may lead to the impeachment of the president, Dilma Rousseff. She is blamed on account of a deceptive presentation of the country public accounts. This target has been chosen by her adversaries because it permits to start the procedure without any judiciary decision. But the real purpose is its role as president of Petrobras when severe corruption acts have been committed by managers which have already ...

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French public debt : don't panic !

The publications of indicators showing an improvement of French public accounts and  a stabilization of its debt, has been immediately followed by alarming comments on its still excessive level and on the risks it weighs on the country.

First, this rhetoric has no influence on international investors. Since the beginning of the year, The Treasury has issued short term paper carrying negative interest rates, close to –0.5% recently. So, subscribers have agreed to pay an interest to the State to acquire its securities. Switzerland, Japan and Germany are in the same situation. The result is also favorable when France ...

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