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Alain Boublil Blog



The 13rd Plan and the Yuan

« Where is the will, there is the way » said, a long time ago, Lao-Tseu. The reading of the project of the 13th Plan, being discussed this week-end in Beijing at the People Assembly, shows that this principle is still present. Guidelines related to China monetary policy which are included in the document, give a light which it is necessary to decode in order to understand the path the country will follow and its consequences on international economic and financial exchanges.

The Yuan internationalization strategy, initiated in 2009, will go further. Its convertibility is definitely a clear objective as its use ...

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Thank you, Mr. Keynes

Just 80 years ago, John Maynard Keynes published his “General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”. Apart maybe from Adam Smith “Wealth of Nations” and Karl Marx “Capital”, no work related to economic matters was as influential on world situation and inspired so many passionate comments than Keynes treatise. But, unlike the previous two, it is still a hot issue since for instance in France where it is a political rift, and not only inside the left. The book was not his attempt. As a civil servant at the British Treasury, he participated to the negotiations which will end to ...

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Bravo, Carlos !

Carlos Tavares, et pas Carlos Ghosn, bien sûr. Les résultats que Peugeot vient d’annoncer et les mesures qui les accompagnent constituent une belle leçon que nos « élites » feraient bien de méditer. Le rétablissement plus rapide que prévu des comptes du constructeur automobile est le résultat de deux choix stratégiques essentiels de sa direction.

La priorité donnée à la Chine, d’abord. PSA était présent en Chine depuis le début des années 80, mais ses dirigeants successifs n’ont pas su en tirer avantage, à la différence de Volkswagen ...

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