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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



The Eighties : A prodigious decade

In economy as in politics, formulas have a hard life. So to the Glorious Thirties, according to the title of Jean Fourastié book, coming from 1946 to 1975, would have been followed, after the two oil crisis, by forty years of mistakes which would explain the difficulties France is today confronted with. But the reality is quite different. The Glorious Thirties have not been as glorious as it is said and during the Eighties have been accomplished realizations France would be proud and which have changed French people life.

The judgment carried about the post-war years largely rests on the ...

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From oil to electricity

Energy has always been at the core of the transformations which have affected societies. It is the coal which has allowed the industrial revolution and which has offered the possibility to the countries where were located the deposits to developing and to increasing their influence in the world. The 20th century has been, in many considerations, the oil century as much by the huge possibilities it gave as by the crisis it has been at the origin. The access to the Caspian Sea resources had incited Germany to invade the south of Russia, an attempt which has failed in ...

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The budgetary promotion

Under the influence of the theories developed by Keynes and after the decisions of the president Roosevelt to get out of the 1929 crisis, the budgetary policy became, before the monetary policy and the action of the central banks, an essential tool giving to the governments the means to restore the economic balances and to satisfy household and enterprise needs. The increase of the State investment expenditures had a positive impact on growth and employment. The taxes reductions on household, through the purchasing power increase and the consumption which was resulting from them were supporting demand. The charges reductions granted ...

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