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Alain Boublil Blog



The France finances

These last days, the government and INSEE have given a large set of data allowing to having a more precise vision about France financial situation. INSEE had published at the end of September the figures of the national assets and of the development of the public debt. The government has sent to the Parliament its finance bill project for 2024 which gives a description of the budget deficit evolution and of the State debt charges. It is these last figures which have mainly attracted attention in an inflationist context which remains high and after the rates increases decided for one ...

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The French economic mistakes

Political leaders are inside their function when they explain that the country situation is improving thanks to their action and that they take the appropriate measures in order to more progressing. Unfortunately, they don’t convince public opinion if we refer to polls and the figures do not show they are right. The State and the public organisms have never spent so much but we see a continuous degradation of the public services. For ten years, priority has been given to the recovery of the competitiveness and to the re-industrialization but the foreign trade deficit does not stop to increase ...

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Supply-side policy : the true and the wrong

In France, the government in order to set out its economic policy and to praise its results bases itself on a theorical concept. It consists of making financial transfers under diverse forms in favor of enterprises in order to reestablish the main economic balances and notably to come back to full employment. They are them which must offer to the economic agents the goods and the services. Through their support, the supply-side policy allows to reaching these objectives. But to measure its effect and to assess its efficiency, it is important to place that action in comparison with the other ...

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