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Alain Boublil Blog



Joe Biden : a new François Mitterrand ?

The commemoration of the 40th anniversary of François Mitterrand election has given the opportunity to numerous events and broadcast documentaries reminding his action in essential areas as the European construction, freedoms, culture or economy. It is about this last issue that controversies have been the most acute with the evocation of the rebound policy launched in June 1981 which was followed by the “rigor turnaround” in March 1983. This debate is coming at the precise moment when the new president of the United States, in a radical rupture with his predecessor policy, has launched a rebound plan looking ...

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The right energy transition

The purpose is not a new one. Previously, during the Seventies, appeared the need to separate growth, indispensable for guaranteeing employment and the level of life increase, with energy consumption. The two oil shocks had destabilized foreign trades and France, at that time, was not protected by the euro against the speculation caused by its external deficit. Energy supply safety had become a priority, which had lead to the choice in favor of nuclear power production. Today, the stakes are the climate but the objective is the same: it is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions coming from energy consumption, and ...

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Interest rates : still zero

In April, French 10 years Bonds interest rate has fluctuated between -0.07% and +0.08%. That astonishing stability brings at first a serious denial to these who for years are announcing that low rates are a disorder and that they will inevitably rebound. The situation is not characteristic of France. In several other European countries, sometimes more indebted, rates remained at a very low level. In the United States, uncertainties about the new president economic policy and his ability to make it approved by the Congress had brought some volatility. But the 10 years Bond has never exceeded 1 ...

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