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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



The new role of the central banks

The progressive elimination of the borders for capital flows, since the end of the Eighties, had given to the central banks a major role in the elaboration and the implementation of the economic policies. At the origin, they were in charge of the supply of payments tools and of coming to help the States when these ones were going through a crisis or to finance a war effort.  The economists under Milton Friedman and the Chicago school aegis gave then to them a determining mission in the achievement of the major equilibriums. Through the management of the money supply, they ...

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The debt, always the debt...

The new restrictions decided by the French government do not constitute a true lockdown but they will weight again on economic activity. Household will spend less and enterprises won’t definitely see a signal encouraging them to invest. Growth, they are thinking at Bercy, wouldn’t be much impacted. Retail shops which must close in more than one third of the country will receive supports to go through that new ordeal but amounts are not considered as important enough to review budget forecasts. But all that will only increase public debt without the growth comeback generates enough resources to guarantee ...

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Fukushima and the fake news

Ten years ago, happened the Fukushima disaster. Many articles and reports are coming back to this dramatic event which has caused thousands of deaths in Japan and has warned world opinion about the nuclear risk. At that time, the consequences on the population and on environment are by large described but it is to early to make the distinction between a natural catastrophe and a major nuclear accident. Today, it is not anymore the case and many reports including the last United Nations one are clearly establishing the facts and their consequences. Despite that the confusion is still maintained and ...

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