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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



Globalization and the tax system

Among the numerous critics globalization is the purpose, there is the possibility granted to international companies to largely escape taxes through waving with the differences between countries tax systems where these companies are operating. The problem overpasses the tax heavens issue which allowed for a long time physical persons to avoiding to pay their taxes thanks to the secrecy the banks located in these countries were offering to them. If substantial progresses have been accomplished to reduce, if not to put an end to these practices, the issue remains unchanged for the enterprises and the amounts at stake are much ...

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french economy : the disappointment

The publication of the revised numbers of the French economy during the 2021 1st quarter has received few comments so the impact of the sanitary crisis makes analysis difficult. Instead of a very thin growth published in the first estimation (+0.1%), INSEE announces a GDP fall by 0.4%. The perturbations on the economic agents behaviors generated by the measures decided by the government or by the anticipations regarding the covid-19 pandemic next steps are difficult to evaluate with accuracy. But the revision to a lower level nevertheless put as evidences the country difficulties to prepare its crisis exit ...

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The right energy transition (next)

The coming international meetings dedicated to the fight against climate warming and especially the Glasgow conference which will occur in September would lead to significant progresses in the taking into conscience of the stakes because the political leaders of the two most important emitters, the United States and China, have confirmed their commitments in that way and have taken the energy transition as one of their priorities. It is in that context that the International Energy Agency (IEA) has just published a long report on the tools to put into practice to reach the Net Zero objective in 2050.

Unfortunately ...

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