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Alain Boublil Blog



The imperative industrial necessity

When, in 1969, Lionel Stoleru published his book, the imperative industrial necessity, he doesn’t doubt himself to which point the issue of the role of the industry in the French economy will become, during the following fifty years, a major public preoccupation. The Glorious Thirty are at their top. Unemployment doesn’t exist thanks to the growth and to an atypical demographic curb, the barrel of oil costs only a few dollars but inflation is high. Foreign exchanges are mainly devoted to the supply of commodities and globalization is an unknown concept even if Japan rise in the sectors ...

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China : The latest news

We remember the metaphor about soccer: it is a game you play between two teams with eleven players where, at the end, it is always Germany which wins. It has a little lost its actuality but the principle is still there and could be applied to economy. The world is permanently confronted with crisis, but whatever is the cause, at the end, it is always China to blame. The country has been at the center of the discussions inside the G7, the NATO and the meeting between the American president and his European counterparts this week. The regime lack of ...

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Globalization and the tax system

Among the numerous critics globalization is the purpose, there is the possibility granted to international companies to largely escape taxes through waving with the differences between countries tax systems where these companies are operating. The problem overpasses the tax heavens issue which allowed for a long time physical persons to avoiding to pay their taxes thanks to the secrecy the banks located in these countries were offering to them. If substantial progresses have been accomplished to reduce, if not to put an end to these practices, the issue remains unchanged for the enterprises and the amounts at stake are much ...

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