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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



Iran and oil: the new paradigms

The success, to be confirmed, of the negotiations with Iran, as well as the reactions of the oil markets to the draft agreement, show that we have entered a new era, both of our relations with the Gulf countries and of the geopolitics of energy. The destabilization of the Middle East and parts of Africa, due to civil wars and their massacres, is the result of the merciless war between Sunni and Shia Islam. It is also reminiscent of the terrible religious wars that pitted, in Europe, Catholics and Protestants against one another, in the sixteenth century. So far, the ...

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Brazil : the dark times

Nothing goes well for Brazil: failed growth, rising inflation, scandals, Moody’s degradation of Petrobras, the country’s most important company. Such is the situation endured by the star of the BRICS - concept coined by Goldman Sachs ten years ago to characterize the new locomotives of the world economy: B as Brazil, R as Russia, I as India, C, of ​​course, as China and S as South Africa, subsequently added to take into account the African continent. The concept did not survive the crisis. China is the only one to keep up its development, albeit at a slower pace. Retrospectively ...

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France 2015 : Black or Green year ?

2014 was deeply disappointing. The economy did not achieve the hoped-for recovery and unemployment reached a record level despite the increase of subsidized jobs and the massive transfers for companies, so that they could invest and recruit. How does 2015 look like?

France will benefit from a favourable economic environment. The sharp drop in industrial raw materials prices  (iron-ore:  - 40%, natural rubber:  - 30%, textile fibers:  - 12%) and in oil prices will lead to a 30 billion euros reduction of its foreign bill. Industrial companies will recover their margins, and households will increase their purchasing power. In the past (1986, 1998 ...

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