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Alain Boublil Blog



COP 21 : vrais et faux enjeux

Le 30 novembre prochain s’ouvrira à Paris la 21ème « Conférence des Parties », la COP 21. Les représentants de près de 200 pays se réuniront pour adopter un ensemble de mesures destinées à faire face aux menaces qui pèsent sur notre planète du fait des émissions excessives de gaz à effet de serre. L’enjeu est de taille : il s’agit, ni plus ni moins, de s’assurer que le réchauffement consécutif à ces émissions ne dépassera pas un certain seuil, ce qui mettrait gravement en péril tous nos équilibres environnementaux.

Cette ...

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Economy: the big question marks

Last G20 meetings in Lima or IMF downgraded forecasts for the world economy have completely baffled governments and observers and put in doubt the relevance of economic decisions, whatever their origin, governments or central banks. Why, with such a favorable environment, raw materials prices fall, low interest rates and emergence of new technologies, world growth get nowhere and cannot recover the pre-financial crisis level?

 Situation is particularly embarrassing in Europe, with a high unemployment rate, except in countries with a significant demographic decline (Germany) or where legal provisions allow a reduction of the official unemployment rate (England). Situation is not ...

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2005-2015: in ten years, (almost) everything has changed...

Let us remember! In 2005, oil prices began to rebound, after fluctuating for twenty years between 15 and 40 dollars per barrel. When it reached 50 dollars, people started to worry and to talk about expensive oil. Theorists of "peak oil" voiced their concerns and announced the imminent exhaustion of resources. Patrick Artus in La Tribune predicted a barrel around $ 300 in 2015! Jean Marie Chevallier replied wisely that it was very difficult to forecast. A few weeks earlier, Alain Terzian, still in La Tribune, came to the obvious conclusion: the world had never had much oil. Ten years have ...

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