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Alain Boublil Blog



Oil continuous fall

The North Sea oil barrel, which is a benchmark in Europe, costs now 72$. Its price has continued to fall and has reached a new milestone with OPEC's decision to maintain its production at current levels, contrary to past practice where the offer was reduced to halt the fall in prices. This new situation calls for two observations.

First, this situation contradicts some theories about the depletion of hydrocarbon resources. Oil companies have long supported this approach, drawing on the concept of "peak oil", according to which production would peak and then decline after a certain date that the ...

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Globalization : the new Silk Road

Major international meetings held from November 10 to November 17 (APEC summits, ASEAN and G20) were characterized by the now predominant place occupied by China. The Chinese President stepped in each time from a position of strength. He has certainly benefited from the weakening of his interlocutors. Vladimir Putin faces the Ukrainian crisis. Barack Obama has been affected by the loss of the Senate. The Japanese Prime Minister remained discreet because of the economic difficulties of his country and was waiting to be received by Xi Jinping, despite the persisting disagreements about the East China Sea. As for Europeans, they ...

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Brésil: la prochaine étape

Le résultat « surprise » du premier tour de l’élection présidentielle brésilienne comporte deux enseignements. D’abord, le peu de crédit que l’on peut accorder aux sondages locaux. Même si les derniers jours de la campagne ont été marqués par la faible prestation de la socialiste Marina Silva, notamment lors de la confrontation télévisée qui a réuni les candidats, l’écart entre les dernières estimations qui la donnait avec 10% d'avance sur le social démocrate Aecio Neves  et le résultat qui l’a placé derrière ...

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