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Alain Boublil Blog



Croissance : le nouveau mal français

L’INSEE vient de publier sa première estimation de la croissance de l’économie française au 2ème trimestre. Avec 0,2%, le chiffre est inférieur aux « attentes », qui tablaient sur 0,3%, chiffre lui-même bien peu ambitieux. C’est le sixième trimestre consécutif où celle-ci est inférieure à 0,5%, soit au rythme annuel de 2%. Ce niveau n’a été dépassé qu’une fois en dix ans, en 2017, lorsque, disait-on à l’époque, les « planètes étaient alignées ». Le prix du pétrole et les taux d’intérêts ...

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Three ideas in favor of climate

The action against climate warming doesn’t reduce itself to energy transition and the State is not the only participant which much commits himself. But the issue has taken such a place in the political debate that announcements effects are taking the lead over appropriate decisions. That can prove counter-productive and causes a rejection phenomenon even when household and enterprises, if they are proposed efficient solutions, are, as a whole, ready to participate to this indispensable effort. To assign very long term objectives as the share of nuclear in the power mix in 2035 (after having extended this term by ...

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0.14% : Last French 10 years bond rate

The Agence France Tresor has issued on Thursday June 6th ten years bonds for an amount of 4 billion euro, increased to 5 billion with the non-competitive bids after auction and carrying a 0.14% interest rate, including emission premium during the whole duration of the bonds. If we exclude a very short period in the middle of 2016 but, at that time inflation was near zero, France never got financial resources in such good conditions. The ten years market rate, the day after, even fell until 0.11%. During May, it was never superior to 0.35%. Since ...

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