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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



France and its unemployment

The publications of a little reduction of the number of jobseekers during the 3rd quarter, from 3.49 million to 3.36 million and of the 1st growth estimation during the same period of time, i.e. 0.3%, as during the last two previous ones, have not surprised but have been accompanied with rather accommodating comments. These figures are consistent with the stagnation of both household consumption and industrial production in September.  Enterprises are still investing in taking advantage of very low interest rates but it is still to be proved that they are productive investments and not ...

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The end of inflation : a good or a bad news ?

A persistent very low inflation rate is worrying. It is a paradox because during decades, governments have taken up a price stability target and central banks had as a mission to act to reach it. We still had, in Europe, the remembrance of the consequences of the German crisis in the Twenties which has not been without relation with the Nazism rise. Today, we are in the opposite situation. Central banks have interpreted their mandate in the opposite direction from what was foreseen at the origin. Instead of adopting monetary policies having as an objective to reduce prices increase to ...

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The European Power reactor : a malediction or a solution ?ti

The announcement of a first cost overtaking regarding the two EPR being built in England at Hinkley Point and of a new delay of the putting into activity of the French one at Flamanville has incited the government to launch an audit about the choice of the nuclear reactor. This decision will be unavoidably interpreted as a defiance signal. It will not help the population support of new projects when French people benefit from the lowest electricity price in Europe and when France, thanks to this power production technique has one among the lowest level of greenhouse gas emission in ...

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