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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



Economic liberalism leads to populism

Liberalism has not the same signification in France than in Anglo-Saxon countries where it refers to political or societal issues. In France, it applies to economy and to a policy which confers to private economic agents the duty to reach major internal (price, full employment) equilibriums and external balances through the adjustment of the currency rate. To give a larger significance to this model, it has been invented the neo liberalism concept. It will be relaunched under Ronald Reagan mandate in the U.S. at the beginning of the Eighties through putting an end to policies inspired by Keynes and ...

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To break with a policy causing anxiety

The small review of the French growth rate for the second quarter, which would have reached 0.3% instead of 0.2% in its first estimation, as the increase of household consumption of goods in July (+0.4%) after the fall in June (-0.2%) must not give illusions. The levels are still very low and insufficient to assert that France has regained a satisfying economic trend. In looking more closely at these numbers, it is possible to think it is even the opposite. Contrast is striking between the improvement of the financial situation of both household and enterprises and ...

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La crise du modèle français

Les résultats médiocres de la croissance française au 2ème trimestre que viennent de confirmer les chiffres du commerce extérieur et de la production industrielle au mois de juin devraient conduire à s’interroger sur le bien-fondé des choix économiques du gouvernement. Ils s’inscrivent dans la continuité de ceux opérés depuis une dizaine d’années et on peut les résumer ainsi : la France doit procéder à des « réformes de structure » de son modèle économique et social en réduisant le coût du travail, en accroissant la flexibilité de l ...

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