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Alain Boublil Blog



Environment and ecology : the contradictions

The very heavy rains which recently happened in the South-East of France have been interpreted, as in every meteorological event, as being the consequence of climate warming. That has contributed to an increased mobilization in favor of environment. They have also been at the origin of power cuts which have, in some cases, last several days, heavily affecting the daily life of habitants. Two lessons can be got from these events.

There is first the night and day commitment of the teams, who are in charge of putting back in activity networks and taking care of their good working. It ...

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France : Interest rates are staying at their lowest level

The 10-years French Bond was on November 14th at -0.02%. During the whole summer, it had fluctuated between -0.30% and -0.05%. Since the beginning of November, it is oscillating around 0%. The State is taking a double profit of this situation: it freely indebts itself and it reimburses its debts more easily. Until summer, most of economists were expecting an interest rates rebound. That eventuality was put forward by public leaders to worry and make unpopular measures being accepted. The 10-years rate forecasted for the end of 2019 which was inscribed in the finance law published ...

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France and its unemployment

The publications of a little reduction of the number of jobseekers during the 3rd quarter, from 3.49 million to 3.36 million and of the 1st growth estimation during the same period of time, i.e. 0.3%, as during the last two previous ones, have not surprised but have been accompanied with rather accommodating comments. These figures are consistent with the stagnation of both household consumption and industrial production in September.  Enterprises are still investing in taking advantage of very low interest rates but it is still to be proved that they are productive investments and not ...

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