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Alain Boublil Blog



The French economy paradoxes

The French economy is doing a little better for two years. It was not very difficult after the near stagnation it has known between 2012 and 2016. But this improvement is not enough to cope with the several disequilibrium which affect it. Unemployment stays at a high level and growth prospects are not strong enough to siognificantly reduce it. High trade deficit is an exception in the eurozone where Germany, Nederland and Italy are accumulating surplus. This situation affects France image and so its influence in Europe. At last, the coming back under 3% of the public finance deficit these ...

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Welcome, Mr. President

President Xi Jinping arrives in France Sunday. He is achieving a trip in Europe at a tense time due to Brexit uncertainties and to the trade negotiations with the U.S. It is his second visit, after the lavish reception given by François Hollande in 2014 at Versailles palace. His predecessor, President Hu Jintao came in 2004 and 2009. Each time reference is made to 1964, when France officially recognized of China. But that historical decision was harmed by the gaffe made by the French ambassador when he mentioned in that circumstance “France comes back into Asia”. Beijing didn ...

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Energy transition : the myth and the realities

Energy is at the center of the economic activities of a country. An excessive cost harms production and a shortage causes the stoppage of equipments along with the unemployment of the affected employees. It has an essential role in inhabitant daily life through its cost which weights on purchasing power and through its availability which protects against cold weather and allows public services which have a vital character to function. It is why energy independence and supply safety constitute in most of the countries an objective and have lead France, which has no fossil fuels resources, to launch a massive ...

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