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Alain Boublil Blog



0.9% : French economy inflation year-on-year

INSEE has given its first estimate of inflation for the month of February. Over one year, prices increased by 0.8% and by 0.9% in harmonized European data. We have to go back to 2019 to find such a low level. The continued rise in the prices of services (+2.1%) was offset by the stability of the prices of food products (except fresh products with +1.8%), manufactured products and the fall in energy prices (-5.7%). The industrial and agricultural sectors seem to have priced in the consequences on their production costs of supply chain disruptions caused ...

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The nuclear energy revival

EDF, the French electricity utility, is connecting this week the Flamanville EPR nuclear reactor to the grid. That good news, yet, is accompanied by the usual negative comments regarding the exceptional length of the works (a 12 years delay) and the construction huge cost overruns (10 billion). If these points are undisputable, they must not mask another very positive reality for France which so has reestablished its capacity to build nuclear power plants. This one had been seriously affected by several major strategic mistakes.

There was first the refusal, at the end of the Nineties, by the successive governments to ...

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Europe-United States : the big gap

The large Donald Trump victory, at variance with the poll opinions which had estimated that the result will be very narrow, and the creation of a Republican majority in the Senate have allowed to give a real visibility to the prospects of the American economy for the coming years. In Europe, to the contrary, when the worries about growth were becoming worse, Germany, after France, was entering into an uncertainness period after the breaking off of the coalition which is governing the country and the call for snap elections at the Bundestag. If nothing is done, the spread already observed ...

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