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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



Public debt : the three errors

When you want to bury a file or when you want people to believe you are working to solve a problem you create a committee, it is a real French tradition. It is precisely what the government has just done about public indebtedness. Its composition is revealing: it will bring together former ministers who have contributed to increase it when they were in the government and economists who have not stopped to denounce the phenomenon and to make alarmist forecasts which revealed themselves wrong both about the cost of the debt, of the solvability of economic agents or the ability ...

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Globalization is not dead

The signature of a free-trade agreement between the ten countries members of ASEAN and China, South Korea, Japan, Australia and New Zeeland brings a spectacular proof that negotiations gathering many countries to go through new steps regarding goods and services liberalization exchanges can be successful. So a stunning denial is brought to these who forecast the end of globalization. Yet, deep political disagreements are remaining between the signatory countries. China and Japan are reproaching themselves for wanting to annex territories they are not the owners, in this case, islands. South Korea is accusing Japan, as also China, to never having ...

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The relapse

The confirmation of a strict lockdown “at least” until December 1st announced by the Prime minister is confirming that the covid-19 pandemic is far from being under control. To the contrary, it has known from the end of the summer an important rebound with a rapid rise of the number of contaminated persons and hospital admissions. The number of sick people under reanimation has reached a level which is near the peak attained during the first wave in April. The pandemic had provoked an unprecedented recession of the French economy during the second quarter. The return to an almost ...

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