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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



The 2021 challenges

When we remember the projections which were made a year ago about the world economy, we measure to which extent the art of forecasting is difficult. But that must not impeach us to look with lucidity at the problems the world and, of course, France will be confronted with next year and to try to assess what are at stakes. If the art of governing lies in to know how to forecast, in order to find the appropriate policies and to put them into practice with success, it is important to have an as sound as possible analysis of the ...

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The numbers and the pandemic

Numbers have invaded our life. They today are utilized to track the evolution of the pandemic. According to poll opinions, they give rhythm to political life to a point where ideas debate has largely let its place to comments about respective positions of one or another political leader in the opinion. They are at the origin of the whole economic thought, even when the concepts they measure have become obsolete and unsuitable to describe the world as it is or as it is changing. They sometimes guarantee our survival, as in a plane where the assessment of all the flying ...

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The Keynes great comeback

John Maynard Keynes went down in history, which is not frequent for an economist, because the remedies he had proposed during the great 1929 crisis had allowed Roosevelt to making the United States exiting from the deep depression which after extended itself to Europe. But it was not his first masterstroke. He had been the only one to denounce the economic risks the Versailles Treaty was carrying due to the extent he thought excessive of the reparations imposed to Germany. He, then, left the British delegation. History gave him he was right. The crisis which resulted from the consequences has ...

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