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Alain Boublil Blog



The State great comeback

To someone who was asking him why, when he was going shopping, he bought rice and flowers, Confucius replied: I buy rice to live and flowers to have a reason to live. These words carry today a burning actuality. Is the State to allow us to survive, depriving us of our reason to live? The future will tell us but what is sure is, that everywhere in the world, we see the comeback of the State which breaks with decades during which, and not only in Western countries, followed policies were based on its disengagement and critics were tough, especially ...

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The tomorrow economy

Nothing, we are frequently listening, will be as before. The second wave of the covid-19 epidemic is there. The economic rebound which happened during the 3rd quarter, coming after the deep growth fall occurred during the previous quarter is under threat everywhere in the world except in China. So the situation is worrying despite the put in place of economic policies assigned to enterprises protection against the effects of the recession in every country. Behavior of household who have accumulated on their banking and saving accounts a huge amount of money has surprised and their reluctance to consume has ...

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China is emerging from the crisis

Being the first country to be affected by the corona virus pandemic, to the point that some are blaming it for its responsibility, China was the first one to emerge from the sanitary crisis, even if some clusters are reappearing, and to regain, before the other major developed countries, a growth rhythm which will allow it to quickly erasing its economic consequences. We know the skepticism what statistical data generally arouse and the comments which accompany the declarations of Beijing leaders are most of the time critical. Yet the prestigious medical review, the Lancet, has just published an unequivocal study ...

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