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Alain Boublil Blog



Renewables : The great illusion

The confusion between political objectives and environmental choices can lead to create illusions and mistakes in the energy transition domain. The crisis Germany is going through today is revealing of this situation. The adopted strategy, regarding power production, , which would grow in the future with electric mobilities and the reduction of the fossil fuels utilization for domestic tasks, was based on the progressive retreat of nuclear, confirmed after the Fukushima catastrophe, and the massive development of renewables, essentially wind turbines.

Behind these decisions, apparently conform with the commitments in favor of the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, was hidden, in ...

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France and the corporate culture

Many indicators recently published are reassuring. France would escape from a recession and knows a growth rate between 1 and 2%, to the difference of several economic partners as the United States and Germany. We note a significant employment improvement and if household consumption is stagnant, it is because these ones are still constituting an important precaution saving. On the other hand, the spectacular degradation of foreign trade, in a context of a stagnant household consumption, an item which frequently, and sometimes wrongly, is considered as the reason of that deficit. That must lead to a much deeper analysis on ...

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Warning lights are green...until now

The publishing of the 1st estimation of French growth during the 2nd quarter, which has been confirmed one month later, has created a nice surprise. The 0.5% GDP increase has by large overpassed the forecasts which rather saw it around 0.2%, which would have just erased the diminution observed during the first quarter. The acquired growth for 2022 is now 2.5%, which means that if the economy is stagnating during the second half of the year, it is this number which will the rate for the full year, which would put France in a good ...

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