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Alain Boublil Blog



France and the climate warming

The currents events which are hurting France, the huge fires in Gironde and the extreme temperatures observed in the Western part of the country, unavoidably are reviving the worries about the evolution of the climate due to the greenhouse gas emissions. But if the linking can be useful to mobilize economic agents and families and to make adopted the appropriate measures, that must not delude people. From all the time and in every country inhabitants have had to face natural catastrophes. In the Landes forests, not far from the current affected zones, it was during a long time talked about ...

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Central banks : the end of the independence ?

The succession of crisis which have hurt the Western Countries for fifteen years with successively the sub-primes, the risk of explosion of the euro zone, the Covid-19 pandemic and at last the invasion of Ukraine by Russia has, each time, put the central banks at the heart of the measures devised by the governments to soften their economic consequences. Even when their status was explicitly or not guaranteeing their independence and their freedom of action and when their mandates were fixing the price stability as their main objective, their policies had to be in keeping with a context of international ...

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The public debt and the interest rates increase

It is frequently said we must not be guided by fear. But is it a good manner to govern to frighten the people of your country? In a few days, we have just had two declarations of high public officials about the dangers for the public finances the increase of interest rates and  inflation represent on the charges generated by the country indebtedness. They included catastrophic numbers without any link with reality. The non-expressed objective was, of course, to make a pressure on the opinion in order to stop to be in favor of wages and social benefits increases to ...

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