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Alain Boublil Blog



TEC 10 : 1,22%

L’Agence France Trésor a publié ce matin son indicateur quotidien du taux d’intérêt à dix ans sur la dette française. Il est inchangé à 1,22% par rapport aux taux observés à la fin de la semaine dernière et inférieur de 12 points de base au niveau atteint le 11 juin. Ainsi, au plus fort de la crise européenne consécutive au refus du gouvernement grec de se soumettre aux injonctions, justifiées ou non, de ses créanciers, et d'en appeler à un référendum, la confiance des marchés financiers ...

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The daily figure: 1.34% for the TEC 10

The rate recorded on the financial markets for French 10-year bonds reached 1.34% on june 11th, which is a rapid return to its 2014 average level. Indeed it was still below 0.5 % early May. Why such brutal fluctuations and what are the consequences for the French economy?

Until a few days ago, the word that was on everyone's lips and that triggered the concerns of economists was "deflation". Falling commodity prices under the combined effect of lower Chinese imports and the sharp rise in US oil production, was passed on to consumer prices, which also fell. This ...

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Germany and climate change

The enthusiastic statements made by German leaders against global warming at the G7 held in Bavaria or in the perspective of the Paris Conference, should not be misunderstood. German leaders, as always – they cannot be blamed for this – protect their industry. Chancellor Angela Merkel treats her political supporters in order to stay in charge; whatever effect this may have on her country’s CO2 emissions. Climate change? Sure. But not at the clients’ expense.

First, Germany gave up on nuclear power. This is one of the few domains in which the German industry did not perform. We forgot about it ...

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