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Alain Boublil Blog



Europe : The best and the worst

The controversy about the presence of the European flag above the Unknown Soldier tomb under the Triumph Arch is revealing of the limits of the French people adhesion to Europe. What has hurt was the disappearance of the French flag in an emblematic place of their history. Europe, yes, but definitely not if that makes France disappearing. These good sense considerations have been forgotten by these who have taken that decision. That has lead to the opposite effect from the sought-after objective and has provoked an opinion rejection instead of a celebration of the moment when the country was taking ...

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Germany, France and the European projects

Germany has just constituted its new government at a time when France, which inherits the European Union presidency, is going to enter into its electoral campaign. During that, the sanitary crisis doesn’t know any rest but the economy is giving rebound signs much more significant, notably in France, than it was expected and dreaded a year ago. There are, without any doubts, the supporting measures decided to cope with the consequences of the pandemic which have been adopted at the European level and in every country, which are at the origin of these results. The coordination of the decisions ...

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The big economic mistakes

During the Seventies, we were convinced that prices control was necessary to cope with inflation. It is, to the contrary, their freeing which allowed France to getting rid of that structural weakness. On the same, it was believed during a long time that the consumption rebound was generating a trade deficit as in 1982. We know today that it is wrong and it was the consequences of the huge increase of the dollar on the oil bill which were at the origin, during that period, of the French trade balance degradation. The recent history is not getting itself always from ...

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