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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



The environment and the ecological mistakes

The priority given to environment in the public action is not disputable, even if individual behaviors as enterprises operating modes are also essential. But the difficulty rests in the frequent contradictions between political exigences and the technical realities. It then occurs that to answer politician considerations, the States take decisions in the name of the protection of the environment which lead to results contrary to the expected results due to an ignorance, unvoluntary or not, of the consequences of their action. That situation is not limited to France and we have observed similar cases in Germany and even in the ...

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The nuclear power major comeback

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has disrupted the oil and natural gas supply in many countries and have made wake up of the necessity to grant security to the power production. The prices increases which have resulted from that have forced the States to adopt measures which were costly for their public finances to protect consumers and to permit the survival of enterprises, confronted with production and operating costs increases which they couldn’t pass on to their clients; The choice, consisting in betting on renewables to take over from fossil energies revealed itself wrong, Germany brought the proof ...

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The new Silk Highways

During 2013, the Chinese government launched an ambitious program of international investments and partnerships, the New Silk Roads. The historic reference was obvious. More than 1000 years ago, the Middle Empire had created inside the country the necessary transportation modes to dispatch towards Central Asia and then towards Europe the silk and the objects made with porcelain which were prized by local aristocracies. These connections were then extended through maritime links towards the Africa Eastern coasts, mainly dedicated to the raw materials trades. So were born the Silk Roads. That year, in order to well showing how the new project ...

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