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Alain Boublil Blog



The daily figure: 1.34% for the TEC 10

The rate recorded on the financial markets for French 10-year bonds reached 1.34% on june 11th, which is a rapid return to its 2014 average level. Indeed it was still below 0.5 % early May. Why such brutal fluctuations and what are the consequences for the French economy?

Until a few days ago, the word that was on everyone's lips and that triggered the concerns of economists was "deflation". Falling commodity prices under the combined effect of lower Chinese imports and the sharp rise in US oil production, was passed on to consumer prices, which also fell. This ...

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Art and Innovation: the American example

Silicon Valley symbolizes boldness, innovation and the American accomplishment. What if the best museums on the East Coast (Washington, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York) were also showing us the same success story in addition to the aesthetic emotions they provide? They tell us about the world, about the genius and weaknesses of France as much as they exhibit the audacity and passion for innovation of the American people.

How to explain differently the fact that a few museums or foundations own the most emblematic works of the greatest innovators, namely the Impressionists and those who followed them? At that time, our ...

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0,6% : une croissance en trompe l'oeil

L’INSEE vient de publier sa première estimation de la croissance de l’économie française pour le premier trimestre : +0,6%. Ce chiffre, supérieur aux attentes, a été salué par des commentaires optimistes, voire enthousiastes, qui sont loin d’être justifiés. D’abord, l’estimation s’accompagne d’une révision en baisse du résultat du 4ème trimestre : 0%. L’économie française a fini l’année 2014 à l’arrêt, et la conséquence a été immédiate sur l’emploi. Ensuite et surtout, le rebond, et l’INSEE le reconnait, r ...

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