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Alain Boublil Blog



The Castex Plan

The Prime minister has just delivered his rebound plan details for the French economy to cope with the deep recession caused by the corona virus outbreak. He had delayed this presentation by a week in order to avoid to interfering with the announcement of the new sanitary measures decided due to the rise of the number of people affected by the virus during summer. That presentation also follows the publication of the detailed figures of French GDP for the 2nd quarter, issued August 28th. The rebound plan focused itself on its amount, 100 billion euro and on precise ...

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Les chiffres de la crise


Les résultats des principales économies pour le 1er semestre permettent d’avoir une appréciation de l’ampleur des répercussions de la crise du corona virus et de leur diversité. Les pays les plus touchés ont été le Royaume-Uni, l’Espagne, la France et les Etats-Unis avec un niveau du PIB inférieur entre 15 et 20% à celui atteint un an auparavant. L’Allemagne a été frappée par une récession moins violente, -10% après -2% au premier trimestre. Le Japon et surtout la Corée du Sud ont connu des baisses d’activité bien ...

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The rebound, green or not ?

The sanitary crisis has generated during the 2nd quarter a brutal stoppage of the major economies whose extent will appear with the coming publication of GDP figures related to this period. Then the States have intervened in urgency to support enterprises and employees facing unprecedented shock and to limit its consequences on employment. Forgetting the traditional message on the necessity of a balanced management of public finances, hundreds of billions of euros have been offered through different channels in France as elsewhere in Europe: guaranteed loans by the State given to enterprises to offset the turnover losses and to ...

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