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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog


United States

The "cowboyistan" and the US oil renaissance

Fossil fuels hold their head high in the United States. Europe just became aware of it. The discovery and the commissioning of shale gas deposits attracted much interest, because they represented a technological challenge, but they had no major impact outside of the US. The construction of LNG terminals has recently been authorized and will allow the United States to become exporters. But evolution is slow. Meanwhile, several consequences will result from the emergence of unconventional oil.

Three large deposits were discovered and put into operation in 2006: Eagleford in Texas, Permian between Texas and Arizona, and Bakken in North ...

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Iran and oil: the new paradigms

The success, to be confirmed, of the negotiations with Iran, as well as the reactions of the oil markets to the draft agreement, show that we have entered a new era, both of our relations with the Gulf countries and of the geopolitics of energy. The destabilization of the Middle East and parts of Africa, due to civil wars and their massacres, is the result of the merciless war between Sunni and Shia Islam. It is also reminiscent of the terrible religious wars that pitted, in Europe, Catholics and Protestants against one another, in the sixteenth century. So far, the ...

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Vladimir Poutine et la "diplomatie du gaz"

En moins d'un mois, Vladimir Poutine a replacé la Russie au centre du "Grand Jeu" mondial de l'énergie, et a mis les immenses réserves de gaz naturel de son pays au service de ses ambitions géostratégiques.

Il y a eu d'abord l'affaire ukrainienne. En quelques jours, Moscou a torpillé le projet d'accord d'association avec l'Union Européenne en offrant un rabais significatif sur le prix du gaz et en rachetant pour 15 milliards de dollars de titres de la dette de son voisin en grande difficulté financière. Quand on ...

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