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Alain Boublil Blog


United States

Pfizer-Allergan : la fusion fiscale de trop ?

Les tragiques évènements intervenus à Paris durant le mois de novembre ont fait passer les questions économiques au second plan en Europe. Pourtant, pendant ce temps-là, se déroule l’une des plus importantes opérations financières de tous les temps, venant juste derrière les folies de la bulle des télécoms d’il y a quinze ans, AOL Time-Warner et Hutchison-Mannesmann entre autres. La transaction dépassera 160 milliards de dollars. Mais ce qui en fait l’originalité, c’est moins sa taille que sa motivation exclusivement fiscale. En fusionnant avec Allergan, installé en Irlande et ...

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When the FED procrastinates

Why put off something to the next day when you can do it the day after the next day, said, with humor, Mark Twain. This joke sums up perfectly the non-decision by the FED regarding interests rates in the U.S. Explanations are not convincing. China has a broad back. An interest rate increase in the U.S, regarded until the meeting as sure, would have generated a rise of the dollar, followed by the Yuan since the two currencies were linked by a fixed parity. This is why Chinese authorities, indeed at the worst time, had decided to reform ...

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Barack Obama and Climate Change

The American president recently set a new goal for the United States: reducing gas emissions. The resolution has been praised all over the world, notably in France by Ségolène Royal. This is a good signal and it anticipates the significant breakthrough to be made at the Paris conference on climate that will be held at the end of the year. But one must not be mistaken and look at the background and scope of such decision.

Sure, the country that emits the most important amount of CO2 has finally decided to fight for a cause that is unanimously ...

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