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Alain Boublil Blog



Globalization : the new Silk Road

Major international meetings held from November 10 to November 17 (APEC summits, ASEAN and G20) were characterized by the now predominant place occupied by China. The Chinese President stepped in each time from a position of strength. He has certainly benefited from the weakening of his interlocutors. Vladimir Putin faces the Ukrainian crisis. Barack Obama has been affected by the loss of the Senate. The Japanese Prime Minister remained discreet because of the economic difficulties of his country and was waiting to be received by Xi Jinping, despite the persisting disagreements about the East China Sea. As for Europeans, they ...

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Autumn in Beijing

While the Chinese capital is getting ready to host the leaders of the Pacific Rim for their annual summit, families enjoy the autumn sun and its last rays to walk in Beihai Park, in the shade of willows bordering the lake and surrounding the White Pagoda. Grandmothers radiate happiness; couples make selfies with their latest smartphone and their children, less and less unique, express their joy. Three generations get together.

 Mao’s generation did not forget the misery and famine, which succeeded a century of violence, civil wars and foreign occupations marked by atrocities. But they also know that this ...

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Le tour du monde du président Xi Jinping

Pendant que la moitié de la planète se passionnait pour la Coupe du monde, le président chinois Xi Jinping déployait une intense activité diplomatique. A peine revenu d'une visite d'Etat en Corée du Sud durant laquelle avait été conclu un nouvel accord d'internationalisation de la monaie chinoise, le yuan, Xi Jinping accueillait à Pékin Angela Merkel avant de recevoir, le 8 juillet, les secrétaires d'Etat John Kerry et son homoloque au Trésor, Jacob Lew, pour lancer la 6ème session du Dialogue Stratégique et Economique Sino-américain. Les responsables ...

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