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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



China and France

The visit of the president Xi Jinping has given a good image of the personal relations between the two heads of States but has not brought any progress, regarding the major geopolitical stakes as about the economic relations between the two countries. The celebration of the 80th anniversary of the recognition by France of the Popular Republic was more a pretext than an historical demand because it was important that, in the current tense international context, any opportunity was good to take to exchange positions. But that does not mean that concrete results were inevitably obtained and these ones ...

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China facing its challenges

At a moment when the National People Congress is meeting, the government has confirmed for this year its growth objective around 5% but has not yet announced special rebounding economic measures, which gives rise to some skepticism among Western observers. They notice that this figure is quite low compared to the growth, frequently above 7%, obtained during the decades before the covid-19 crisis. It will be moreover difficult to reach it because the 5% obtained in 2023 was benefiting from a favorable basis effect due to the end in 2023 of the restrictions occurred to fight against the pandemic.

China ...

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2024 : The year of the Dragon

The Chinese calendar, through a twelve years cycle, gives to the current year the name of an animal. 2024 so will be the year of the Dragon. In 2022, it was the Tiger. In France, this nickname had been given to a statesman, Georges Clemenceau. The year of the Tiger was definitely not the “Clemenceau year” because was attributed to his proximity with Japan the transfer to this country of the German concessions in China during the 1919 negotiations which will lead to the Versailles Treaty. That major humiliation will not be without connection with the political and social moves ...

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