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Alain Boublil Blog



China : The detente and the rebound

The forum of the Asia-Pacific economic cooperation  (APEC) has allowed the United States and China to publicly showing their common will to lessening the tensions which were lasting between the two countries for near two years. The summit between the presidents Biden and Xi Jinping whose four hours duration was exceptional, has offered the opportunity of a frank discussion about the issues where there was a disagreement and to mention the appropriate measures to prevent that they degenerate and to find solutions. An almost friendly personal relationship between the two men was established and both of them do all they ...

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The new Silk Highways

During 2013, the Chinese government launched an ambitious program of international investments and partnerships, the New Silk Roads. The historic reference was obvious. More than 1000 years ago, the Middle Empire had created inside the country the necessary transportation modes to dispatch towards Central Asia and then towards Europe the silk and the objects made with porcelain which were prized by local aristocracies. These connections were then extended through maritime links towards the Africa Eastern coasts, mainly dedicated to the raw materials trades. So were born the Silk Roads. That year, in order to well showing how the new project ...

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China is not doing so bad


The publication of the Chinese economy results during the 2023 2nd quarter has been generally received with disappointment and frequently with the evocation od the new structural weaknesses to which the country was confronted. What is really true? To appreciate growth, you may use two criteria, the comparison between two successive quarters or with the past year one. Quarter on quarter, growth has been 0.8%, with a very significant slowing from the previous period (+2.2%) which took profit from the strong rebound resulting from the end of restrictions decided to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. It is ...

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