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Alain Boublil Blog



The upside down class struggle

Karl Marx birth bicentennial has not given a place, to the difference to the 50th anniversary of May 68, to many reflections about his work and its influence. He took from Hegel the idea that the society was divided into classes and that their struggle will be a driving force. The events which have marked the first half of the 20th century, the crisis and the wars, didn’t prove he was wrong. Western Europe, once the peace has been reestablished, will learn the lessons: deep inequalities generated by the capitalist system really constitute a threat for democratic regimes which ...

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The China energy transition

China is today the most important emitter of greenhouse gas but that has not been always the situation. The country over passed the United States only recently. As climate change is linked to the accumulated pollution, the new emitters have considered for a long time that the efforts had to be at first imposed to the countries which were responsible of the past accumulation. That was the China position but it has changed. The support, without any ambiguity, by Beijing to the Paris Agreement, is the proof of it and it is not the reflection of diplomatic or symbolic attitude ...

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France : the failure of the supply-side policy

French economy growth rate during 2018 1st quarter fell back to 0.3% against 0.7% during the previous quarter. Acquired growth is only 1.2% at the beginning of this year. It means that if France wants to reach in 2018 the 2% target which is in the Stability Program presented to Brussels in April, the quarterly growth rhythm must be above 0.7% until the end of this year, which is far from being established. This result invalidates the positive opinions regarding, until now, the government economic policy. This one is the continuation of the one which ...

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