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Alain Boublil Blog



Diplomacy as a show

The vague agreement between North Korea and the United States about the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, instead of North Korea alone as it was initially requested by Washington, must not make us to forget the psychodrama we attended at the G7. Political leaders must now question themselves about the future of this kind of event. Created in 1975 by a French initiative, these meetings had as a purpose to allow major Western powers and Japan to exchange on economic issues and to find common positions on major trade and financial challenges. It never emerged decisive decisions and that has ...

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France and the Italian crisis

The respite occurred on financial markets after the appointment of the new Italian government should not delude people. The fall of the Spanish government, even if it has not happened after disagreements about European issues can generate new tensions. The first meetings between these new leaders and Brussels must be watched with attention. Europe is taken in a stranglehold between internal dissent which is increasing everyday and a hostile international environment, worsened by the last decisions of the Trump administration. The project is under threat. It is not the first time. France has no choice. Its action will be decisive ...

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Europe got in a stranglehold

In an unstable world, we could hope that Europe would be able to constitute a pocket of stability and even to contribute to cool tensions. American diplomacy is disturbing with the threats uttered to North Korea and the breaking off with Iran. The denunciation of multilateral trade agreements and the projects about the taxation of imports coming from neighbors, Mexico and Canada, from European Union and China are creating an unprecedented situation and a danger for world trade and growth. The denunciation of the nuclear agreement with Iran and the threats which are going along, the war in the Middle ...

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