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Alain Boublil Blog



2018 : The bad vintage

Even if no major financial crisis has occurred during the ending year, it will remain everywhere as a bad vintage. The major financial markets have made this analysis and have heavily fallen during the fourth quarter. For several months, the exceptionally long duration of the economic cycle which followed the 2007-2008 crisis had surprised. Many experts had announced its end and predicted a new serious financial crisis with their eyes oriented toward China and consequences on the whole planet. That did not happen but there is unanimity to note that the world has become more fragile and that every country ...

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Keynes, please come back !

The measures Emmanuel Macron has announced to try to answer to the deep discontent in France which is expressed through the « gilets jaunes » movement carry, all of them, the same logic: to rise employees purchasing power whose pay is inferior to the average. These increases or bonus are partly financed by the State because they are not subject to taxation or they result from an increase of current bonus exempted of social charges. A small share will remain to be supported by employers. The objective is to reduce the tensions through a diminution of inequalities but the main consequence will ...

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The three causes of the French crisis

The crisis France is going through has deep roots. The disorders which are going along it and which are heavily hurting its image in the world are without precedent for almost a century. The support this movement receives in the public opinion, despite the unacceptable violence it generates shows the dimension of the country discontent. Political leaders public declarations, set aside the support to the forces of law and order, show their disarray. The few reactions to the first measures decided by the government confirm that only major changes must be proposed this one wants to put an end to ...

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