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Alain Boublil Blog



0.70% : 10 Years French bonds rate

At a time when French government economic policy is violently questioned, due to the increases on household taxation and the social levies affecting retired people and to the de-indexing of all the social benefits including pensions, financial markets are infirming the forecasts made by the minister of Economy. The benchmark rate for the 10 years bonds the French State issues to refinance its debt when it comes to maturity and to cover its budget deficit is staying, on December 3rd at a very low level: 0.70%. It has fluctuated in November between 0.70% and 0.82%. This ...

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The new California

It is Chinese, which is not surprising, and its capital city is Shenzhen, a town with 13 million inhabitants which was just a fishermen village at the end of Mao era. Kilometers of skyscrapers-lined avenues can be viewed whose architects have competed in imagination and boldness. Compared to that, La Defense district looks like a simple block, even if it is one of the most important business centers in Europe. It is there that everything has started. Deng Xiaoping had chosen it, near Hong Kong, to create one of its “special economic zones”. A particular legislation protected foreign investments and ...

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China and the climate

The next international conference devoted to climate, the COP 24, will be held in Katowice, in Poland, at the beginning of December. U.S. withdraw from the Paris Agreement will give to China a predominant position and will allow the emerging countries voice to make it heard. The threat regarding climate change, which is becoming more and more difficult to challenge, is the CO2 and greenhouse gas accumulation in the atmosphere. It is on this issue that divergences are increasing between developed countries and the other participants to the discussions. Each one responsibility is not the same in the current ...

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