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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



The French social model and growth

The publication of the first estimations of French economic growth during the 2018 4th quarter (+0.3%) and the whole year (+1.5%), after 2.3% in 2017, has offered the possibility of several interpretations. From government point of view, it is thought that this result is reassuring. International environment has been less favorable and shows important instability risks. The social crisis the country is going through since November has also weight on activity. The current economic policy is the right one and starts to produce its returns. The version of events is different inside the opposition. Purchasing power ...

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renault, Alstom and the French industry

For about fifteen years, France is de-industrializing itself. Political leaders, one after each other, have tried to remedy to that through the research tax credit, the CICE and this year, at last, the financing by the State of a share of the social charges. The corporate tax, which brought back around 40 billion in 2011, fell around 25 billion in 2018. This policy has heavily weighted on public finances because it did not only provide a benefit to industry in favor of which it was conceived to improve its competitiveness. Large retail companies and banks also profited from it. To ...

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Is Germany a model ?

On January 22nd, Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron will get together in Aachen to sign a new cooperation Treaty between France and Germany. Both are weakened in their own countries. The French president is facing an unprecedented social crisis since 1968 which, despite the launch of the great national debate, will not disappear before their meeting. The Chancellor has announced she will put an end to her political carrier after the defeat of the coalition she leaded during the last general election. Since that, every local election has seen a backdrop of her party. Their meeting and the Treaty constitute ...

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