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Alain Boublil Blog



The European elections and the climate

Environmental issues and the global warming are at the top of the proposals inscribed in the Renaissance list of proposals for the European elections, a list which has the support of “La République en Marche”, the president of the Republic political party. This preoccupation is legitimated but has it really the full significance it is attributed to it in this debate? The first question to which it is necessary to answer it about the future alliances to be constituted between the elected people groups which will have seats at the European Parliament. The two main groups which would emerge ...

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The American economy : miracle or mirage ?

The publication of the first estimation of the American GDP for the 1st 2019 quarter has given the opportunity to enthusiastic comments as the last unemployment figures, the best for 49 years. With a 0.8% growth, i.e. an annual rhythm above 3%, the American economy has invalidated the analysis which were forecasting for that period 0.5%, due, partly, to the shutdown. The stoppage of the country administrative activity, provoked by the disagreement between the White House and the Congress about the increase of the public debt limit had generated the put in lays-off of a part ...

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France : Is it going so well?

The economic policy lead in France by the government is going in the right direction and results are testifying of it. It would not be appropriate to change the cape. At the latest, it is necessary to proceed to institutional reforms and to some adjustments of that policy to take into account the social disease which is expressed through the “yellow shirts” movement. Such is, in substance, the message delivered last week by the president of the Republic. It is based on the last statistical publications about growth, public deficits, foreign trade and employment. In despite of that, we don ...

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