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Alain Boublil Blog



The new globalization

Globalization is dead. Vive la globalization ! The economic and political crisis to which the world is confronted today with the lasting consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia shows the end of the globalization as it was known during these last decades. The occurred breaks are hurting much more heavily the economic situation of the countries than these caused by the oil shocks in the Seventies, the reforms in China during the Eighties and the Soviet Union collapse at the beginning of the Nineties. Economies had progressively been able to adapt themselves to these ...

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Volcker is back

The inflationist crisis that the Western countries are now knowing and the envisioned remedies are inevitably sending back to that one of the Seventies final years, generated by the second oil shock, itself provoked by the war in Iran. During near forty years, the developed world was thinking it had put an end to inflation and was even starting to be worried by a deflation risk. In the United States, it is the appointment, at the end of 1979, of a new chairman at the Federal Reserve, Paul Volcker, which constituted a real turnaround. To fight against inflation which was ...

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china and the war in Ukraine

It is obviously not a chance if the Russian assault against Ukraine has been launched the day after the closing ceremony of the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing. The attention of the world must not being diverted. China saw in that ceremony an opportunity to increase its international influence.  And Moscow wanted to protect the priviledged links the Russian leaders had with their Chinese couterparts. The Vladimir Poutine presence during the inauguration, when he had not left his country since the beginning of the pandemic, had been an other symbolic gest revealing his will to be sure, if not of ...

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