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Alain Boublil Blog



The debt, again the debt

Next month, the three main notation agencies will give a decision on the France notation, already put by two of them under negative prospect. It is likely that a downgrade occurs at a time when the State financing needs for the current year will reach a record level with 285 billion of mid and long-term bonds to be issued. 2023 public accounts are going to be updated. A GDP 4.9% deficit had been announced but a 5.5% level is now published. Against the announced objectives and the taken commitments, France will have known in 2023 an aggravation of ...

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The worrying productivity fall

During 2023 4th quarter, productivity inside European Union has fallen by 1.2% when it had increased in the United States by 2.6%. In France, the government forecasts a very low growth, between 0 and 0.5% until 2027. Per capita, it had only increased between 2010 and 2023 by 5% and had dived between 2019 and 2023 by 6%. Well, the increase of the productivity is a determining factor of growth, of level of life and of enterprises good health. It is that which has been at the heart of the economic revolutions during these last two centuries ...

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Toward a European crisis ?

The European Union is in bad way. It is not the first time. We remember the crisis which had affected the European Monetary System with the several readjustments and the return journey of the Sterling. But that had not impeached the creation of the euro and the successful conversion of the national currencies into the single one. We have not anymore forgotten the consequences of the sub-prime crisis, of the excessive Greek indebtedness and of the weakness of the Irish financial system. Even the Brexit with all its complications on the trade exchanges and on the role of London as ...

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