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Alain Boublil Blog



Renewables : The great illusion

The confusion between political objectives and environmental choices can lead to create illusions and mistakes in the energy transition domain. The crisis Germany is going through today is revealing of this situation. The adopted strategy, regarding power production, , which would grow in the future with electric mobilities and the reduction of the fossil fuels utilization for domestic tasks, was based on the progressive retreat of nuclear, confirmed after the Fukushima catastrophe, and the massive development of renewables, essentially wind turbines.

Behind these decisions, apparently conform with the commitments in favor of the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, was hidden, in ...

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France and the climate warming

The currents events which are hurting France, the huge fires in Gironde and the extreme temperatures observed in the Western part of the country, unavoidably are reviving the worries about the evolution of the climate due to the greenhouse gas emissions. But if the linking can be useful to mobilize economic agents and families and to make adopted the appropriate measures, that must not delude people. From all the time and in every country inhabitants have had to face natural catastrophes. In the Landes forests, not far from the current affected zones, it was during a long time talked about ...

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The big energy challenge

No State can ignore the importance of energy in the economy good functioning as in the quality of life of its inhabitants and regarding the environment constraints; but the world today is going through a major energy crisis, without any comparison with the two oil shocks during the Seventies, when oil was the most strategic energy source. The population of the planet was twice lower and China, as India, were not yet in their development era. The creation of a cartel by the producing countries which decides to apply an embargo toward Western Countries after the Middle-East crisis and after ...

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