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Alain Boublil Blog



40%: The thermal power plants production increase in November in France

The stoppage, for diverse reasons, of around ten nuclear power plants and a colder autumn have been enough to disrupt the energy mix in France in November. Consumption increased by  near 9%, compared to November 2015, but the net electricity production fell by 3.7%, which has provoked a slump of exports. The trade balance has been divided by 10 with just a 0.64 TWh surplus. Nuclear production has fallen by 12.7% and its share of the power production, which usually is close to 75%, was reduced to 68%. Thanks to a good level of the water in ...

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Donald Trump and fossil fuels

The surprise created by Donald Trump election is as high as the uncertainties of his economic choices. It is not rare that the promises of a candidate during his campaign don’t give an exact view of what he will do, once elected. And us, in France, we are not well placed to give lessons on that matter. The situation is more complicated in the United States because the president needs to have the support of the Congress, for his economic policy, his public finance choices and social reforms. The new president in these matters will be in a much ...

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And during that time...

The entire world, since the beginning of this November month, was turning its eyes at the United States and was wondering about the respective chances of both candidates. No election in the past had attracted such an impact, for two reasons: the result has been undecided until the end, with swings at every incident and the personality of one of the two candidates  fascinates some and scares the others. Nobody can predict the economic consequences of the election of Donald Trump. This uncertainty carries heavy consequences and will last until January when the transfer of power between Barack Obama and ...

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