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Alain Boublil Blog



Donald Trump oil diplomacy

You don’t appoint Rex Tillerson, the Exxon C.E.O by chance to lead the State Department. Oil and fossil fuels have always played an important role in American policy, when it comes to price issues or relations with producing countries, as it was during the Bush era, both the father and his son, who started their carrier in Texas, the most important producing State. Donald Trump is reviving the tradition. But the stakes are different because the world today became more complex, American production has evolved and the Middle East is put to fire and sword.

During the ...

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Energy transition : The China model

Energy transitions issues have taken hold of the French presidential campaign. Some, like Jean-Luc Mélenchon or Benoît Hamon are reducing it to the stigmatization of nuclear energy, they propose to abandon through the closing of power units in safe technical condition. Others, like Emmanuel Macron or François Fillon, propose a diversification of the electricity mix but are hostile to shale gas exploration. All of them think energy saving investments are the panacea to reduce unemployment, but without defining convincing financial solutions, due to the diversity of the situations.

France is not an isolated case. The American presidential ...

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Unemployment and the Ecologists

The debate about the project of closing Fessenheim nuclear plant, which is not motivated by any security concern since its operation is authorized until 2022, is very sharp because of the 2 200 layoffs which will result of its closure. It is much more than in Florange for instance and it leads us to question about the consequences of the Ecologists economic choices on employment. This project was a François Hollande commitment precisely to get their support during the last presidential election. The same demand had been formulated, on the other side of the Rhine, by the Bade-Würtemberger ...

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