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Alain Boublil Blog



china and the war in Ukraine

It is obviously not a chance if the Russian assault against Ukraine has been launched the day after the closing ceremony of the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing. The attention of the world must not being diverted. China saw in that ceremony an opportunity to increase its international influence.  And Moscow wanted to protect the priviledged links the Russian leaders had with their Chinese couterparts. The Vladimir Poutine presence during the inauguration, when he had not left his country since the beginning of the pandemic, had been an other symbolic gest revealing his will to be sure, if not of ...

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China : The year of the Tiger

On February 1st, China will celebrate the New Year and will come into the year of the Tiger. During two weeks, Chinese people will be in vacation but, due to the restrictive measures decided to impeach the pandemic to spread into the country, it will not be possible to travel into or outside the country as in the past. These measures have also be put into place to allow the Winter Olympic Games to going off as it was forecast between 4th and 20th February but with a limited public attendance and without any foreign spectator. Tourism ...

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Where China is going to ?

The absence of the Chinese president Xi Jinping at the two major international meetings in Roma (G20) and Glasgow (COP 26) has triggered a wave of comments about the “isolation” and the “withdraw into itself” of the second biggest economy of the planet, whose growth model had been until now based on an active contribution to the globalization expansion. In 2020, its exports reached 18% of the world exports. The explanation given by Beijing, the sanitary context and the very strict measures adopted in the country to slow the development of the pandemic, have not convinced.

In the same time ...

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