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Alain Boublil Blog



China and the global crisis

The economic and financial consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and of the Ukraine invasion by Russia, which are adding to themselves and during more than forecasted in the Western countries are so heavy that it is not anymore excessive to talk about a global crisis. China has not been saved due to its very strict policy and to the breakout of supply chains built during the last decades and which were at the origin of the globalization. At the eve of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party which will decide, in all probability, to give a third five-years mandate ...

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China : Pessimism is back

The publication of China GDP 1st quarter figures, +4.8%, year-on-year, has been received with skepticism, when they were higher than the 4% increase, still year-on-year, on the previous quarter and even above the expectations which were based on a 4.4% growth. The war in Ukraine had just started and had not yet significantly affected the supply chains and the restart of the covid-19 pandemic was hardy beginning to produce its effects with the confinement decided in the Shenzhen area.

Enterprises investments has grown by 9.3% on annual rhythm and industry and power and heat productions increased respectively ...

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china and the war in Ukraine

It is obviously not a chance if the Russian assault against Ukraine has been launched the day after the closing ceremony of the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing. The attention of the world must not being diverted. China saw in that ceremony an opportunity to increase its international influence.  And Moscow wanted to protect the priviledged links the Russian leaders had with their Chinese couterparts. The Vladimir Poutine presence during the inauguration, when he had not left his country since the beginning of the pandemic, had been an other symbolic gest revealing his will to be sure, if not of ...

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