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AB 2000 studies

Alain Boublil Blog



Unemployment and the working time

20 years ago were published the first rules reducing the legal duration of the working time to 35 hours per week. We know how much this measure was criticized at that moment even when it was in practice for a long time in the German industry. The socialists themselves, who were at its origin, are not anymore defending today that reform. As an irony of history, and maybe to celebrate this anniversary, the IG Metall union has just obtained, after a long and tough social battle, the possibility, for its employees who would ask for it, to work only 28 ...

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0.98% : the rate of the latest ten years French bond

The French state has issued February 1st a new ten years bond. The rate provided by the market came close to the 1% symbolic barrier, when, since the beginning of the year and during 2017 last quarter, if fluctuated between 0.50 and 0.75%. This move is not isolated. The growth acceleration in the U.S. permits to anticipate a more restrictive monetary policy by the FED. American rates, with the same duration are above 2.70%. The trend is the same in the United Kingdom but for different reasons. The devaluation caused by the Brexit has made imports ...

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Davos and the globalization-skeptics

Lavish meetings in a chic winter station or in the Gallery of Battles in the Versailles palace are they the best way to reconcile people with globalization? It is not sure and it would useful because the phenomenon is as irreversible as industrialization was in the 19th century. The world is currently living with a stunning paradox. The trial of globalization is generalizing at a time when, regarding economic situation, optimism prevails and growth has rebounded and is even accelerating, if we follow the conclusions of the International Monetary Fund. If this transformation of the world was as harmful as ...

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